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Monday, November 5, 2007

New Pups - Part 2

From the moment of birth, the mother takes care of all the little one need. She needs to be in a quite and calm environment, without disturbing her too much.
Immediately after birth the mother leeks the newborn to clean him, to separate the umbilical cord from the placenta and to stimulate and warms the puppies.
If any of the pups looks sick, or the mother ignore him, or the puppy is not feed you should call the vet.
The first tree weeks, the mother takes care of any need - feeding, licking, eliminate waste.
90% of the tree first week, the newborns spends in sleeping.
their eyes open around day 10, the ear canal open around the fifteen day and they become more responsive to their surroundings.
The mom should get more food then usual when she feeds her pups.
Both the mother and her newborns should visit the vet. If they all seems fine it does not need to be immediately, but if any of them looks sick do not delay. the mother can have infection, or other complication, and the puppies needs a complete checkup and vaccinations. The first vaccination at eight weeks, then the twelve, sixteen. Ask your vet for his advise.
Before they are immunize, keep them indoors, because they are vulnerable to infection and other diseases from the outdoors and other dogs.
Should you have any questions you need to talk with your vet.

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