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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's All About the Cat

I don't know what you think about it or what the cats thinks. The only thing I know is that cats are so gentle (usually) and beautiful just the way they are. I know there is so much pain in the world, illnesses that needs to be cured (but we still do not know how), and people who have the money, instead of contributing to the humankind, they put their money for stupid things like GLOWING CAT in the dark, or MICE that is NOT AFRAID OF CATS. Can someone help me understand the point here??? I don't know if the cats in the pictures below enjoyed the color and hair styling they got, but some looks quite cute. Would you do it to your kitty?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pics are soooo cute!!!
I bet the cat is thinking 'I can't believe I left the house like this!' :) I Love It!
Thank you for sharing with us!

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