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Hello Pet Lover

Welcome to the 4-Legged Thoughts Blog.
I am sure that like me, you too love pets, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Help me keep this blog alive by adding your stories, comments, questions, expertise .......Woof

Friday, August 3, 2007

Hello World

So, I have a Blog. No, we have a Blog. Like me like you, we all have things we want to tell the world. So let's do it. The subject of this Blog is the world of our furry friends, the irresistible 4-legged that we raise in our home, which we share our lives with, and we love and care so much about. We feed them with healthy food, we buy them pet toys (maybe now they will leave our shoes alone), we secure them in the car, shopping at pet shops, so we can dress them with coats to be warm in winter (I feel like I am writing about my children), and in return we get unconditional love and loyalty (well, at this point I see some differences between the furry kind and the small people).
As we do with our children, there are times we need help, answers to our questions, guidance, recommendations etc. We get the answers from people that have experienced the same situations, people who think they are experts, and from experts.
That is exactly the purpose of this Blog. To contribute, help, and share thoughts.
That's it.

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