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Friday, December 28, 2007

Dog Aggression and Some Statistics

- Today there are about 74.8 million dogs in the American household, and much more cats.
- Almost 5 million people are bitten annually in the USA.
- 800.000 needs medical attention.
- The majority of dog attacks (61%) happen at home or in a familiar place.
- The vast majority of bitten dogs (775)belong to the victim's family or a friend.
- every year more than 2500 letter carriers are bitten.

Children are more likely to be bitten. That is why they have to learn to respect the dog, which is the parents duty. Dogs, really do not need to accept child harass, and the child should understand
the limits.
If a puppy shows aggressive behavior, he needs to be evaluate by a professional and start training in earlier age.
Lavender found to be relaxing aggression in dogs. Consult your vet about it.
Comfort zone -Is a new accessory like flea collar, it uses to relax dogs. It lasts for a month and then you need to replace it. Consult your vet.

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