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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pet Fashion Week - NYC

I've been waiting for this day, the big event for the pooch fashion industry. So,we drove to Manhattan. The traffic is always bad, but it's worth it. To my surprise we found a parking space in no time, and when we got closer to the "Pavilion" the location of the show, we could see all the charming pooches with their festive clothing. It was fun, booths of clothing, accessories, carriers, and dressed dogs from all over the states - showoffs ...LOL
After 4 hour of walking between the booths, I was totally worn out,
starring jealously at the spoiled doggies lying in their plushy's life...
Take a look at the hats (picture attached), and enjoy se
eing other impressions we captured with our camera.
The bottom line is that we are going to see more sophisticated and fancy clothes, sets of carriers and clothes, jewelry, and accessories. So,for the next few weeks, I'll be busy ordering new winter clothes, and they are going to be the crème a la crème, so make sure to check our shop for the new items.

Ok- just take a look at the helmet this guy is wearing

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