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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dog Toys, When, Why, What

Dogs like playing. like we didn't know that. But do we know why and in what way it helps them.
When puppies play, they learn how to interact with other dogs, and to develop skills. It simulating their mental and physical skills. Just like infant puppy needs games in his early stage of life. When they bored they'll find other ways to amuse themselves, most of the time in a way we, the owners, don't really like. like nibbling our shoes or chew the carpet.
different breeds like different games. They all like running and chasing, but some breeds prefer the hide and seek games, while others like chasing and shaking toys.
It is important to give a pooch games that match his size. Not too big, so he can bite it, and not too small so he won't swallow it. The toys should be well constructed, so they won't be dismantled in no time, and can become a choking hazard.
Today you can find huge variety of toys, so be caution when you buy them.

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