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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Meet the Princess and Prince

As a child I was never allowed to keep a pet at home (not true, I was allowed to have fish...hooray). So just imagine how my first own house looked after I left my parents’ home. I started with a Siamese kitten, then another one, then a medium size Terrier. Not much place left in my small house.
That was quite awhile ago. More recently, the house was empty again, so sad. So I took a drive to the nearest shelter, walked by the cages, and fell in love with Figaro. It took him about a week to get used to the new environment. He spent some time under the bed, then climbed on the bed, and now he is everywhere.
His preferences are (in this order): Food, watching at the window, food, to be petted, food, sleeping, and…….food....
Carmen came second. Just like Figaro, she was laying in her cage at the shelter, looking at me with her huge eyes, but acting as if she doesn't care if I'll pick her or not. So I picked her.
She was the Queen of the house the second we arrived home. Her preferences are (in this order): play, play, play, to be petted, and……play....
Now I have two cats, no special breed, no trophies from winning a competition, just two furry balls with tons of love and joy.
Now I wonder how they'll welcome a puppy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know that feeling. I've been there too. My mom disliked all 4-legged, especially those who speak the Me-Yahoo language :)
My dad and I tried to bring a dog home, but he didn't stay for long, and I had to wait a few more years. Many times I would try to ask my mom for a puppy, and that didn’t work, I tried to bring puppies home and my mom never allowed it, until, one day she did, but there was only one condition; that I will take care of him.
It took less than 6 months for my mom to fall in love with the dog, Richie. Eventually, my 2 sisters and I envied Richie for all the attention he received from our mom. And when we complained, she replied: ‘He is the only one who truly happy to see me when I get home…’
Food for thoughts, isn’t it?

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