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Monday, August 13, 2007

The Sleeping Beauty

Freyguy in his words. Thanks , I love it:

I've had my kitties for about three and a half years now, and I'm at the point where I don't know what I'd do with myself if they weren't around. My 4-legged friends are Jackie Daniels and Captain Morgan. They are so soft and cuddly that whenever I pass out, I like to bring them to sleep on the foot of my bed. When I come home, they are the first to greet me, and when I leave, they become so affectionate that I always end up feeling bad for them. We have moved around from Hoboken to Fort Lee, and they don't seem to care. I have a feeling that cats don't seem to care much for their surroundings, since they can pretty much sleep anywhere. They sleep on my bed, on the floor next to my bed, in the closet, in the window sill, on the couch, under the couch, and underneath the curtains. I wish I could find that many good spots to chill out, but I'm no cat. Maybe I'll buy them that small basketball shaped bed so that I can always find them easily instead of searching in 30 different locations.

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